有些話想對自已說,也是對於明年的期許。 去年年未是人生最低的谷點,我想我躺在病床上,就像分裂的2個人,表面上堅強跟自已說沒事,夜晚卻泣不成聲。一邊跟自已說不要想太多,一方面又怕開刀失敗,無法再正常行走的植物人。 最糟的情況我都想過了,但其實根本無法面對假如無法再走路的自已。 安樂死、什麼都在腦海中來回排迴許久。 幸好,最糟的情況結束了。 黎明前總是最黑暗。渡過那段時間,好像所有的一切都突然好轉,感謝家人的接納,還有愛我的人在身邊支持我,沒有你我真的不知道怎麼撐過這些痛苦的復健過程,最重要的是謝謝我自己的努力
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翻譯 (2)
I want to say something to myself, which is also the expection for the next year.
The end of last year is the lowest point in my life, when I was lying on the sickbed, it was just like two people split from me. In the daytime, I was strong enough and said nothing to myself, but I was weeping uncontrollably at night. On one hand, I told myself not to think too much, on the other hand, I was afraid of the operation failure which made me to be a vegetative that could no longer walk normally.
I had thought about the worst situation, but I found I really couldn’t face myself if I couldn’t walk anymore.
Euthanasia and everything went back and forth in my mind for a long time.
Fortunately, the worst is over.
It is always darkest before the dawn. After that time, it seems that everything is suddenly getting better, thanks to the acceptance of my family, and thanks the people who love me is always standing by me. Without you, I really don’t know how to get through these painful rehabilitation, the most important, thank myself for my own efforts.
Some words want to say to myself, and are also expectations for next year.
The end of last year was the lowest valley point in my life. I think I was lying in a hospital bed, like two people who split up.On the surface, I was strong enough to say"It doesn't matter."to myself,but I could not stop crying at night.On one hand,I told myself not to think too much.On the other hand, I was afraid that the operation failed and I become a vegetative state that could no longer walk normally.
I've thought about the worst situation, but I can't face myself if I can't walk any more.
Euthanasia,everything in my mind for a long time.
Fortunately, the worst is over.
It is always darkest before dawn. After that time, it seemed that everything had suddenly improved, thanks to the acceptance of my family and the support of those who love me. Without you, I really don't know how to survive these painful rehabilitation processes. Most importantly, I thank myself for my efforts.
  • Translabour · 5 年前
  • Translabour · 5 年前
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